Oracle Chatbot and Digital Assistant Consulting, Implementation & Support, Vietnam

Providing leading Oracle Digital Assistant & Chatbot consulting services to Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, Vietnam.

RISE.S.I for Oracle Digital Assistant and Chatbot Implementation Services

Unlock digital advantage with Oracle Digital Assistants and Chatbots.

With Oracle Digital Assistant and Chatbots, your organisation is provided with an AI service that offers prebuilt skills and templates to create automated conversational experiences for your business applications and customers through text, chat, and voice interfaces.

Your RISE.S.I Oracles Digital Assistant (ODA) and Chatbot specialist consultants Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh (HCMC) and Hanoi) provide an implementation service suitable for enterprise organisations, boroughs and councils, charities as well as for small / medium enterprise business needs.

Billions of users around the world are on instant messaging and chat apps at any moment in time. People want and expect instant engagement as we live in a faster society, which automated messaging apps can only provide.

Organisations need a platform to enable them to harness the power of instant messaging and engage intelligently and contextually with customers and employees to improve efficiency, progress workflows automatically and divert human resources to more valuable uses.

Chatbot Consultants

Headquartered out of London UK with a base out of Vietnam (HCMC),  RISE.S.I is a leading Oracle systems integrator providing resources, consultancy, managed and support services. 

Read more about Oracle Digital Assistants below to understand some of the benefits of Oracle Chatbot and ODA services, and what RISE.S.I can do for your organisation.

RiseSI, where Our People Are Our Success.

Benefits of Oracle Digital Assistants (conversational AI) to your organisation

Natural Language Understanding with AI Powered Voice, Analytics and Insights
Integration with Oracle Enterprise Applications
Advanced Conversational Tools & Automated Bot to Agent Transfer

Oracle Digital Assistant Key Features

  • Routing analytics (conversation metrics, completion/error rates for constituent skills,
    popular skills by invocation) across the Digital Assistant.
  • Developer-oriented analytics to pinpoint issues with skill execution so you can
    address them before they cause problems. Track conversation trends over time,
    identify execution paths, determine the accuracy of your intent resolutions, and
    access entire conversation transcripts.
  • Operational view across all the skills in the Digital Assistant to measure ROI using
    deflection rates, analyse usage patterns/popular channels, identify key problems and
    reasons for failures.
  • Moderated self-learning to augment and enhance digital assistant efficiency. Users
    often employ a wide variety of phrases to ask for a specific intent. We automatically categorize these phrases (using word clouds) and suggest options to tune the digital assistant.
  • Archiving and export capabilities to manage data storage; use third party tools for
    additional analysis.
  • Automatic data collection; reports are populated during execution. Fully integrated
    with the Tester UI, so you can generate analytic events during testing. 

Oracle Digital Assistant for Oracle SaaS Applications

Digital Assistant skills have been built for specific Oracle SaaS enterprise applications, specifically tailored and skilled for the unique needs of those applications. That means our customers can readily get out-of-the box digital assistants that can interact with their related applications, seamlessly and ready to go. 

These digital assistant skills are built on Oracle Digital Assistant and can be further extended and customized to a customer’s own unique needs – while maintaining compatibility with the originally developed skill. The extended skills are also upgrade safe, as the platform automatically tracks the changes.

Some of the specific Oracle Digital Assistant capabilities for Oracle’s Enterprise Applications are listed below.

Oracle Digital Assistant for HCM

Reducing administrative strain and supporting key talent management processes.

Oracle HCM Digital Assistant has been specifically tailored and skilled for the unique requirements of the Oracle HCM application.

Oracle Digital Assistant for CX

Improving customer service by intuitively guiding users through workflows and policies, and improving call deflection rates to reduce demand on your team.

Oracle CX Digital Assistant has been specifically tailored and skilled for the unique requirements of the Oracle Customer Experience application.

Oracle Digital Assistant for ERP & SCM

Provide your ERP and SCM team with powerful, conversational access to self service processes via their computer or phone.

Oracle ERP and SCM Digital Assistants have been specifically tailored and skilled for the unique requirements of the Oracle ERP and SCM applications.

Oracle Chatbot and Digital Assistant Implementation Partner and Support

Providing for your Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) and Chatbot implementation requirements, RISE.S.I is your London headquartered Oracle Digital Assistant implementation partner and support specialist. Please scroll down to follow the link to call or submit your RFP for your Oracle Digital Assistant and Chatbot requirements. 

Request a quote for your Oracle Digital Assistant and Chatbot requirements

We are able to provide for your ODA and Chatbot requirements. Submit a request for proposal (RFP) or request an individual resource / placement here.

Our ODA and Chatbot implementation process / roadmap and staffing offering is available for review.

Class leading Oracle Digital Assistant Consulting and Personnel

Oracle Digital Assistant and Chatbot consultants –  Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, Vietnam